captions are of the following image.
ASpourt: Did he just say what I thouht he said
Mcgonagall: MmHMM
Dumbledore: Now I dont want anyone to treat me any different
Spourt: And i was going to ask him to the ball.
BSprout: Did he just threaten to punch Umbridge?
McGonagall: It appears so.
CSprout: I don't like the way he's staring at him.
Mcgonagall: Headmaster, I do not believe Mr. Potter needs to be guarded while he is sleeping.
DAlbus : Severus, what in merlin are you doing ?
Sprout: Whats with all the glitter ?
Minerva: People shouldn't dance to Thriller on the staff table in a leotard
ESprout: Minnie, he's scaring me.
McGonagall: Albus, you're starting to frighten more than just the Dark Arts staff.
FDumbledore: Gilderoy, I told you Harry's not up for grabs.
McGonagall: Only because you called dibs.
Sprout: He never gets this angry when we're fighting over Filius
GMinerva: merlins beard, headmaster!
Albus: what?..
Sprout: Really?! *sniffs and gags*
Albus: it was the...uhm... Cat.
Minerva: The petrified cat?! That's REALLY the excuse this time..?
*both woman cover noses and walked away*
Albus: *sigh* I didn't think it was THAT bad...