Here are all the rules on Hogwarts Clue. It's the same as when we did this event 1.5 years ago. So if I described something wrong at the beginning of this thread, know that
THIS POST IS THE REAL RULES. So make sure to read it fully (especially the part about the weapons).
links will go here
HOW DO THE THREADS WORK? Each of you will have your own thread for your group. The names of the people in your group will be the title. People can leave and join your group, but you can only join another group if they are next to your location on the map. Because the threads will be scattered throughout Hogwarts, the links to them will be kept in here. Each introduction post when the group moves to a new location will be in red, so it will be easier to spot if trying to figure out where they are now.
HOW DO WE POST? WHAT DO WE POST? When you move to a new location (or are starting out), you are able to then 'Suspect'. You must PM me (
ELIZA MARIE CUNNINGHAM ) with the location, weapon and suspect. The location must be the one you're currently in. The weapon must be something you see in the room that you think is the weapon. The suspect can be any of the suspects you think might be the guilty one.
However, remember that you are roleplaying too! Talk to the other characters in your group, etc.
Every character can do a Suspect only once when they're in a room. So if you're in the Owlery and do one, you have to travel to a new room to do another one. However, there is no limit to how many people in your group submit a Suspect - everyone in your group can at the same time!
But once you've moved to a new location, you can't Suspect from the old one.
Reminder: Double posts are not allowed.
LOCATIONS & TRAVELLING The locations for this game are on a map
here. These are the only locations you can go to. When travelling, you may only travel to a room touching the one you're in. So if you're in the Owlery, you can only travel to the Great Hall or Trophy Room. There will be no secret passageways as many of the rooms connect to many other rooms (ex. The Kitchens connects to 6 other rooms!).
You may not travel alone. You must be in a group with at least one other writer. If you wish to change groups, you may either:
-- Join a group that's in a location beside your location (post in your current group about your character leaving them and right away post in the new group's thread about joining them).
-- Split off and make a new group. However, you can't travel alone, so you can only do this if there's 4 or more people in your group (ex. group of 4 splits into two groups of 2).
Please note that you cannot travel from a location until your group has posted in there 3 times (collectively - not 3 times per character).
In order to travel, only one person in your group has to post saying that they travelled (and to where). Please write an (( OOC )) note at the bottom of your post or in bold to make it clear that you guys are travelling.
WEAPONS There are ten weapons - one in each location. They are in the descriptions, but sometimes there might seem be multiple ones. It's up to you to figure out what in the description are actual clues and what is there to throw you off. If you guess a weapon that's not one of the weapons, the reply to your Suspect PM will be that that weapon doesn't exist in the game. However, you still can only do one Suspect while in a room. If you want to Suspect that room again, you have to go to another room and then come back after.
SUSPECTS The suspects are those who are in the game - all 16 of them!
CLUES After you send a Suspect PM, you will get a reply with one Clue at random (out of the Suspect you gave - so if all of the ones you guessed are not correct, it will be randomized which one I will confirm was not the right one). Only when you Suspect and get 0 clues back will you know that you were correct and can Accuse.
EDIT: Your first Suspect, you can actually get a maximum of 3 Clues to get the ball rolling.
CAN I SHARE CLUES? Yes, you can share your Clues with those in your group. But remember there can only be one winner! You also may share some clues but decide not to share all of them. However, please note that you may only share clues via PM (or instant messaging). You may not share them on the board, c-box or anything else that is of public view. If you do, you will be disqualified from the game (and your characters will be sent to bed).
Please note that you may not share the clues amongst your characters if you're playing more than one in this game. Just because one knows something doesn't mean the other does just because you read them both. That is called Power-Playing and is not allowed here. I know what clues I sent you so I'll know if you're trying to cheat in this way. The only way they can get the same clues is if someone else decides to share with you and shares with both your characters (which would have to be in the same group).
HOW DO YOU WIN? Once you think you know for sure who did it, where and with what, you can send an Accuse to me via PM. Make sure to say in the title or body of the PM that you are Accusing (not Suspecting). If you get it wrong, your character who is Accusing will be out of the game (and sent to bed). If you get it right, you win!